Thursday, December 9, 2010


I've had this lamp for perhaps a year already, not being able to use it - I ordered it online from the US and didn't think of the fact that it wouldn't work over here as it is (you know, as everything has to be different there in America). As taking it to that one electronics shop outside of town that I was told could change the whole shabadang into matching our power system seemed to be one of those never-gonna-happen things I almost gave up on it. But yesterday Eddi removed the bulb system and used one of the extra lamp chords we had here at home and now, ta-daa, let there be light!

Pekka posing.

The siamese lamp is from Modcloth.

(Eddi asked me if I wrote out that he was like Mc Gyver, well, I didn't but now I did, sort of :)

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