And so I have; taken them out and in to use. Although it still is pretty warm* and wet over here; I wouldn't have had to quite yet.

*)=That of course depends on what you compare it with. Warm as in plus degrees yes, but the weather is still totally, like we say over here,
from the arse.

I got these boots
last year as I needed shoes for winter and thought they were pretty ok, although a bit 'trendy' for my taste due to the extra zipper on the side without any use. However, they turned out to be super comfy, kept warmth surprisingly well considering they are made out man made materials only, they fitted an extra pair of socks and still made my feet look super tiny and they did not let any water in when it was soggy and wet. Nor did I really think of that zipper either. So, it was a smart buy, I wore them
a lot and I almost worn them out. That's why I was smart at the end of last winter and bought myself another pair! So far I'm still wearing the old ones, and saving the extra pair for later.
Anyway, I have received lots of questions from people elsewhere about the boots and where to find such; mine are from
Din Sko, a shoe chain here in Scandinavia with rather cheap shoes, often considered to be of rather low quality. (Funny thing is, the shoes I've worn most for daily use and have lasted a long time have been form Din Sko...). The company makes new collections every season so I'm afraid they do not carry these shoes any longer (although they seem to have
an uglier version available).
But, perhaps this will interest some of you; I spotted a smiliar kind of skiing-inspired boot on ModCloth; the
Bowery Boot!

Oh, a little PS. still concerning shopping : Shabby Apple is offering the readers of The Freelancer's Fashion Blog a 10% discount for thirty days; Monday November 15th to December 15th! Shabby Apple has lots of lovely
dresses, jewelry and other accessories. The code is
freelance5810 and the shop can be found at
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