(The rules for this award:
- List 10 random things about yourself
-Tag 10 other bloggers with the award (write them a comment so they know they've got it!)
-Link the person that gave you the award)
So to start with here are my 10 random facts:
1. My dream walk in wardrobe would be filled with Balmain, Christopher Kane, Luella and Chanel.
2. Orange smarties are the best! I wish they sold them in just that flavour.
3. I am a major bookworm. Penguin Classics are my favourites even though I am also a huge Harry Potter fan.
4. I made my friend promise to buy me one of those old fashioned telephones. You know the ones where have have to spin the numbers around to ring someone.
But I would not say no to a ham burger phone a la Juno either.
5. I love rock climbing and I go with my Dad every week.
6. Even though I like the peace and tranquility of the countryside I am much more of a city girl and I would love to live in London when I am older.
7. One of my dreams is to be photographed by The Sartorialist; the man, the legend that is Scott Schuman.
8. I wish I could draw.
9. It freaks me out that I have no idea what I want to do as a career when I am older.
10. I passed my Grade 5 piano. Sorry I forgot to blog about it earlier. Haha 5 down, 3 to go! (Another ambition is to pass my Grade 8 piano.)
And finally the 10 lovely bloggers I am tagging are:
1. Kaelas Room
2. Shoes From Around The Globe
3. Fashion Roadkill
4. Hello List
5. Isatou
6. My Polaroid Blog
7. Coco's Tea Party
8. Code1066
9. Black Book
10. Crooked Horizon
And make sure you check their blogs out, each one is so fantastic and inspirational to me!
Beth xx
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