A couple of years ago I strated fixing on a dress for myself - I had been making small drawings of such a dress for a long time already and finnally started with the project by cutting a suitable tunic I found on sale into pieces, colouring the fabric soft black, still with the origial pattern showing from underneath, and finally sewing the pieces toghether again with another fabric to into a dress. Over confident as I often am when sewing, I did not bother to try it on too much in between since I know my measurememnts pretty well by the eye.
Well, this time my project ended up being a reather arty mistake, looking all nice but being way to small for me to be able to wear (after some strange bends and moves I got into the dress but had to take it quite easy with the breathing. Getting out was another story then).
So, hours of works and tens of euros ended up haning on a rack in the fleamarket last summer.
But then Ina came by and said "nice dress", tried it on (fit very nicely) and I sold it to her for the symbolic price of one beer. Not that bad a deal in the end, since at least the other one of us ended up looking great :)
And hey, I eventually got my beer too.

It's decorated with strawberries. That's nice.
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