Thursday, July 29, 2010

A+ Show

Am 16 und 17 Juli fand die A + Show im Hamburg Museum statt. Die Show wurde von uns Modedesignstudenten der HAW organisiert und es wurden hauptsächlich die Bachelor und Diplomarbeiten gezeigt. Die Erstsemester waren mit je einem Outfit vertreten. Wie meines entstanden ist könnt ihr hier lesen.
Das ganze Wochenende war Mega spannend. Wir müssten bei Sachen wie beim Kartenverkauf, bei der Museumswache während der Shows und beim Aufbau helfen. Es war sehr spannendend hinter den Laufsteg schauen zu können, mit den älteren Studenten und den Models zu reden und ihnen beim anziehen behilflich zu sein.
Das hat echt alles wahnsinnig Spaß gemacht, auch wenn es zwei lange Tage waren. 
Ich habe ausserdem gelernt, dass es immer besser ist sein Model selbst einzukleiden. Denn nur der Designer selbst weiß wo was hingehört und wie es getragen werden soll.

Mein Outfit lief als viertes, aber leider war ein kleines Missverständnis zwischen mir und der Umziehhilfe meines Models aufgetreten und so lief mein Model nicht mit aufgesetzter Kapuze (was eigentlich den Reiz meines Kleides ausmacht). Trotzdem war die gesamte Show war einfach Wahnsinn! Ich war so glücklich mir die Probe am Freitag, die erste Show am Freitag um und die letzte am Samstag ansehen zu können. Ich habe natürlich auch fleißig Fotos gemacht. Ich habe hier die besten rausgesucht und den richtigen Projekten zugeordnet.
Hoffe euch gefallen die Fotos,
Eure zukünftige Fashion-Designerin ;)

ENG: On the 16th and 17th of July the A+ Show took place in the Hamburg museum. The show was organized by the HAW University students and the were mainly shown the works of the  bachelor and diploma students. The first years were allowed you present one outfit each. How mine came to existance you can read here.
The whole weekend was really exciting. We had to help selling tickets, be museum guards during the shows and help to set up all the benches and the catwalk. It was really nice the take a look backstage, talk to the older students and the models and help them to dress. It was such a fun, although it were two long days. Besides I learned that it is better to dress one's model itself, because the designer knows the best how and where to put the clothes on.

My outfit was shown as fourth, but unfortunately there was a missunderstanding between me and the model's dresser and so the model, who was wearing my dress didn't put on the hood (which is the main idea of the dress). But still the whole show was awesome! I was so lucky to see the rehearsal, the first show on firday and the last show on saturday. Logically I made a lot of photos. I picked out the best. Hope you like it,
your future fashion-designer ;)

 Der Hof des museums war eine super Kulisse, besonders die Shows am Abend kam besonders gut rüber./ The museum's yard was a great setting and came across really good.

Meine Tunika habe ich  vor 2 Jahren selbst genäht und ich war Stolz dafür viel positives Feedback bekommen zu haben. /
I sew my tunic on my own 2 years ago and I was proud to get so much positive Feedback for it.

Ich habe mir die Eintrittbuttons von jeder Show (und den Mitarbeiterbutton) an den Kragen gepinnt. Die Idee kam gut an und wurde gleich von den anderen Designer kopiert./
I pinned all the entry badges (and the team badge) to my collar. This idea was well aproved and copied by the other designers.
Ich habe meine BF Lynn und noch eine Freundin kurzfristig über die Show informiert. Zuerst wollte ich niemandem bescheid geben, weil schließlich nur ein Kleid von mir gezeigt wurde, aber dann war ich froh, dass die beiden da waren. / I told my BF and another friend last-minute about the event. At first I don't wanted anybody to come, because it was just one dress from me that was shown, but in the end I was glad they came.

Ich auf dem Laufsteg nach der Show./ Me on the catwalk after the show.

 A + Show

Mein Kleid / My dress

Wie entsteht ein Kleid - Erstsemster/
How does a dress come into being - First years

Intermezzo/ Verschiedene Projekte - Hauptstudium/
Intermezzo/ Various projects - Main studies
Guckt euch mal den Rock oben rechts an! /
Take a closer look at the skirt on the top right!

 Zoo - Hauptstudium/
Zoo- Main studies
Ich finde das Kleid unten rechts einfach total süß./
I think the dress on the right bottom is so cute.

  Zoo - Hauptstudium/
Zoo- Main studies

Zoo - Hauptstudium/
Zoo- Main studies

 Intermezzo 2 / Verschiedene Projekte /
Intermezzo 2 /Various projects

 M.O.V.E. - Hauptstudium/
M.O.V.E. - Main studies
Das war ein Kooperationsprojekt mit Adidas./
This was an cooperationproject with Adidas
 M.O.V.E. - Hauptstudium & Intermezzo 3 - Freie Projekte/
M.O.V.E. - Main studies & Intermezzo 3 - Free projects

1 Reihe: Team Heaven S.R.L.
2 Reihe: Schöner Schimmel
3 Reihe: La Obscura
4 Reihe: Metamorphose
5 Reihe: Vernarbt. Verheilt.



Kris posted this to my Facebook page and now I'm posting it to you!
And now I'm off to Stockholm!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Fashion Design Business

Get a Job as a Fashion Designer or
Start Your Own
Fashion Design Business

Fotolia_12402636_L.jpg image by stylesukcom

As a fashion designer, you will have a creative and

exciting career that many people only dream about.

Design by Louis de Gama
There are many fashion design career paths for you to

choose from. Some fashion designers work for top
houses such as Tommy Hilfiger and Chanel. Others
are employed by mass-market manufacturers of men's,
women's and children's apparel. children's

Or you could start your own fashion design business,

establishing a distinctive style and overseeing fashion

creation from initial concept to manufacturing and distribution.

In this field, there is a long history of people rising from

humble beginnings to become fashion designer stars.

  • Laura Ashley got her start as a secretary.
  • Vera Wang began designing when she became engaged at age 39 and couldn't find a suitable wedding gown for the mature first bride.
  • Ralph Lauren was born into a middle-class family who lived in the Bronx, and used to buy suits with his pocket money at age 12. He is now one of the richest and most famous fashion designers in the world.

Of course, it takes hard work, creativity, and a true passion for

fabulous designs to achieve success as a fashion designer,

but you can break into this career much more quickly and easily


Tuesday, July 27, 2010


(This dress, these bikinis. The bikinis were actually sold out when I went to get them but Tyra cut onw of the swimsuits into a bikini for me :)

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Parmesan-walnut-lemon pasta helping us recover from the wedding last night. Should've made more...

Finally got the closet emptied of stuff (my grandfather's books and a whole lot more undefined stuff), washed and painted to be ready to filled with my stuff! Burlesque stuff mostly. Our living room is grateful to stop serving as a storage room.

My pelargoniums are dying. I don't know why. They are in a sunny place and get enough water. Any hints how to recover them anyone?

Last but not least, Miss Fortuna drew a winner of the Tyra Therman mermaid brooch and the lucky one is Paula!

My first own design

Heute zeig ich was ich so unter anderem beim Studium gemacht habe. Für einen Modedesign-Workshop mussten wir ein Wochenende lang folgende Aufgabe machen: aus harten Karton an einer Büste ein halbes Pappkleid aus geometrischen Formen erstellen, dann die Schnittteile abzeichnen und daraus erst mal aus Nesselstoff ein (halbes) Kleid nähen, um zu sehen wie sich die geometrischen Formen beim weicheren Material verhalten. Danach hatten wir einige Wochen Zeit dieses Kleid als Ganzes zu nähen. Bedigungen dafür waren, dass wir mind. Drei unterschiedliche Farben und Stoffe verwenden und Teile ändern, ergänzen, weglassen, knoten, kürzen etc.
Ich habe diese Farben gewählt, weil ich kräftige und kontrastreiche wollte. Es war meine Absicht die geometrischen Formen durch weiche, fließende Stoffe verschwinden zu lassen.
Das besondere ist eigentlich, dass man die Kapuze auch als Kragen tragen kann und somit vier Tragemöglichkeiten entstehen.
Dann sollten wir das "Kleid" in Szene gesetzt fotografieren. Ich war dafür wieder bei den Dünen und finde das Kleid sieht dadurch aus wie eine Mischung aus Amidala aus Star Wars und dem Hochzeitskleid eines chinesischen Zirkusartisten.

Schreibt mir fleißig Kommentare. Bin gespannt was ihr dazu sagt.

Edit: Ich werde noch Fotos vom Enstehungsprozess (halbes Papp- und Nesselkleid) hinzufügen, wenn ich die Daten finde. Und beim nächsten Post gibt es Fotos von der Modenschau, bei der mein Kleid auch gezeigt wurde.

ENG: Today I show you what I've done during studies. We had a Fashiondesign Workshop, which took us a whole weekend. We had the following task: to form half a dress with geometrical shapes using cardboard paper, then copy the shapes to get paper pattern, copy the pattern onto nettle (untreated cotton) and sew half a dress, to see how the geometrical shapes behave with this material in contrast to the cardboard dress.
After that we had a couple of weeks time to sew a whole dress. The conditions were that we had to use at least three different colors and fabrics and that we change pieces of the dress by adding, excluding, knotting, trimming etc. I chose these colors because I wanted to have bright and contrasty ones. My intention was to let the geometrical shapes vanish using soft fabrics.
The special thing about the dress is that you can wear the hood also as a collar and so you have four possibilities to wear it.
Then we had to put the "dress" into a scene and take pictures. I made the photos on the dunes and I think the result looks like Amidala from Star Wars mixed up with the wedding dress of a Chinese circus artist.
Write comments, I'm excited to know what you've to say.

Edit: I'll show you the process (half cardboard paper and the nettle dress), when I manage to save the files. And in my next Post I'll show you pictures from the Fashionshow, where my dress was shown, too.


photos: Lukas (via Pentax kx)

dress: my own design

Friday, July 23, 2010


Now Lola Manchego, my Sailor Eddi and I are off to Turku to perform with Messer Chups! I love Messer Chups!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


I've spent some great days. in the city lately. One of them went like this:

After Eddi got his hair cut at Rody's we met up with Ina and H (or also known as Julien, well, only by me :) for a few cans of Sangria and a lot of tapas.

See what hat Ina is wearing? She got it for her birthday!

Oh, food!

Ladi dadi da. (Ina wore a sixties dress and I a fifties skirt, and a Vivien of Hollowayhairflower. Check the shoes! Oh yes I got them - comfy ad coloured like bubble gum ♥)

I continued on to Bar Moskva (going to Helsinki? Go there.) to celebrate Tinker's last night (well, almost, close enough) as an unmarried girl with a lot of champage and lovely ladies. And later on also a bunch of great guys and a very happy groom.

Oh, summer, oh love.