mediterranean fashion festival, from 3rd to 5th july in koper, slovenia.

text from
influence home page:
Attributes that could easily be assigned to a young person? Perhaps … But as for the world of fashion, these are indeed desired characteristics of each fashion story. What is beyond the conventional brings freshness, new attitudes towards the world and furthermore shifts that can be made firstly by the courageous and the daring who are then followed by the crowds; together they can overcome the boundaries of narrowed, old-fashioned norms.
Having influence means having power; power to change the world and general mentality. That is the essence of our first international festival.
We believe that each of us can have an influence to make something great, something that will last
Aljoša Krošlin Grlj
Organizer of the festival Influence
We have invited internationally renowned experts from the world of fashion, media and advertising to take part in the event. We want to send out a message that the 21st century is not a lost era, but a time of opportunities for all of us, irrespective of gender, religion or race.
Young and promising creative people will, through lectures and workshops, get an insight on the methods of work in fashion, media and photography world. Lectures will be presented by people renowned for their regular and stabilized practice, in an extensive international sphere.
A professional jury will decide who will receive the awards; consisting of many well-known national and international experts. Koper is without a doubt a city of the 21st century. Step by step it is becoming an economical, cultural and tourist meeting point. It is time to outline its way to success!
Everyone can be different; everyone can fallow their own life philosophy and create collections in their unique style.
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for more information about the event you can also have a look on
facebook page
i got the information that there will be more then 30 designers on the festival...
and it looks like there will be a lot of male fashion.
adrian sommerauer
dimitri stavrou
tijana paulov
katie eary